Fractal Cat

Brandon Walker
2 min readFeb 16, 2024


Image by GPT-4

Mandelbrot cat merging deep through infinity.
Oh to be blessed with such cosmic divinity.
Bursting through temporal sets like a beam,
Hologram universe filling her dream.

Fur that’s aglow and two eyes like a wormhole.
Multiverse tesseracts that burden her soul.
Spew through the infinite feline entangler.
Shrodinger superposition can’t land her.

Chasing the shadows of thought and regression
Harmonize, vibrate- each purr a conception.
Universe bursts through the quantum destroyer,
Never enough fur a fractal-cat-warrior.

The warp and the weft of infinite creation,
Squeezing the fabric of plank-time-dilation,
Only the cat can discern the vicissitudes,
Scent is temporal, her mind and enigma-tube.

Whiskers that stretch to the edge of god’s dreams,
Reality crackles and foams at the seams,
And there in the wake of imploding impunity,
A cat there a dance with her cosmic community.

Oh entropic kitty you masterful being,
Why’d all this happen? What is all this meaning?
What secrets are there in your infinite mind?
Of this grand universe exquisite, divine.

What nature is it that brings us to coherence?
This space-time duality, dark-interference,
Temporal symmetries, black-hole harmonics
Dark matter, gluon, and Higgs boson partics.

Betwixt all this chaos we need destination
Something that’s certain, a law of creation?
So tell me great cat, made of fractals and time,
Untangle this yarn of particulate rhyme.

“the answer, you seek, if you look for this ‘sign’
It lies deep in the heart of the cosmic design.
But the mind of a man is so feeble you see,
For a man can’t perceive like a fractal-cat being.

But I bring to you now from the chaos horizon,
The answer you seek, I just hope you survive it.
For the answer you want is right there do you spy it?
In the heart the black-hole, where there’s no time to dive in.

There’s no space to explore, there’s no light there to see,
It’s the ideal place, for a fractal-cat-being,
Because there I can sit with my peace for dimensions,
To ponder the things that a human would question.

And from where it all came is a simple solution
“The universe came from the universe, stupid.”
In a fractal implosion, the cat disappears.
Leaving all of us there despondent and in tears.

Twas a fractal cat yes, harbinger of dimensions,
An infinite being, and godly conception.
But that didn’t stop it from speaking its truth
A cat’s gonna hate, doesn’t matter the mood.



Brandon Walker

Futurist, poet. Sharing a different perspective on all things science, philosophy, and politics.