Masterclass in Morbid Irony: Israel, What Have You Done?

Brandon Walker
3 min readFeb 28, 2024


Israel, you’ve done it. Gone from being the persecuted, the ones running and hiding in fear, having your loved ones murdered by the tens of thousands, to the ones doing the persecuting and murdering by the tens of thousands.

Congrats, you found your “lesser than”. To claim that it is for the sake of security and the future of Israel is preposterous. Netanyahu and the fascist Israeli coalitions that support him are in it for perpetual war and fear. It is George Orwell 101.

With every bomb dropped, the hatred for Israel amongst the radicalized Muslim population only grows and spreads, creating two or three new enemies for every civilian lost in Gaza. Netanyahu gets to keep pretending to be the strong protector of Israel while it’s clear he has no idea how to strategically protect at all. All he knows is indiscriminate destruction, deception, and power for power’s sake.

I say this as an individual with deep Jewish roots on both sides of my family. My grandmother was a Belarusian Jew and my Great grandfather on my mother’s side was a German Jew. I learned about the holocaust all my life. I’ve studied World War 2 and the lead-up to it, read numerous books, and seen a dozen documentaries on both the holocaust and WW2 so I understand the history at play here. It only makes it all more maddening.

Well, it solidifies a fundamental understanding of the world for me though. The complete randomness and anything can happenness of the world has no bounds. The people who were victims of one of the greatest mass atrocities and genocides in the history of the world can turn around not 100 years later and commit genocide of their own and claim that anyone who tries to stop them IS the fascist genocidal maniac who wants to see them destroyed… amazing.

There is a solution to this whole problem, of course. But I fear there is too much blood in the water now.

Hamas and Hesbolah are still out there and still pose a credible threat to Israel. Their mission is clear, and it is not to be tolerated- I understand this.

Israel could have had its “day of retribution”, then opened up hostage negotiations to bring its own people home, and then parlayed into further talks of de-escalation, settlement ending, stateship- something to start moving in the right direction towards demilitarization and deradicalization in the region. But no of course not, that would be “a weak response” say the military contractors and republicans- who take their bribes.

Instead, they went in the opposite direction again.

They don’t know how ridiculous they look to the rational world now. And shame on Joe Biden for not recognizing this either. He has had numerous opportunities to call for a strong end to this bombardment, instead, he asks for more bombs. Aside from having zero political instincts, more importantly, his moral compass has been exposed to be non-existent.

This conflict is a spotlight on how humanity ruins itself. At its core, lies, corruption, and power- all the worst parts of us. More, religious fanaticism and delusion, mixed with fascism, high-tech weaponry, and stupidity- all on epic display creating the mess of all messes.

The US President needs to take a strong stand, Netanyahu needs to be stripped of power, and the bombing needs to stop today.



Brandon Walker

Futurist, poet. Sharing a different perspective on all things science, philosophy, and politics.