Romulus and the Exploratory Waft

Brandon Walker
2 min readFeb 8, 2024


Hail Romulus and the exploratory waft,
Through time’s thickened veil, their fates be aloft.
In lands yet uncharted, by stars yet unseen,
Their journey unfolds, where no man has been.

With spirits as fierce as the wolves that they tame,
Their beautiful city of Rome in it’s fame.
Yet beyond the myth, and the legacy’s seed,
Lies a quest for knowledge, a bountiful need.

This waft, ’tis breeze full of wonderful lore,
Guiding them forward through worlds they explore.
A wonderful task full of craft and elation
Usurping gods, the first king of a nation.

Through wilderness dense, and across the vast seas,
O’er mountains so high, that they traverse with ease.
With each novel encounter, a thread in the weave,
Of mankind’s vast tapestry, bent to conceive.

Romulus, there, with eyes set on horizon,
Conquering all that he sees like Poseidon
A civilization that could one day rise,
And spread like the prosperous blues of the skies.

An inquisitive waft whispers something still more,
Than just the sweet promise of conquest galore.
It speaks of a unity, shared intonation,
Of building together, the future of nations.

So let us now follow, in their phantom wake,
With every stride, all the risks that we take.
For ‘tis in the spirit of Romulus, found,
A waft of humanity, fatefully bound.



Brandon Walker

Futurist, poet. Sharing a different perspective on all things science, philosophy, and politics.